The MEbA Project wins Kipepeo award for high environmental impact in Latin America & the Carribean


On June 29, the Microfinance for Ecosystem-based Adaptation (MEbA) Project won the new annual UNEP Kipepeo Award. This award recognizes teams and projects demonstrating exceptional efforts and performance to achieve UNEP’s goals.

The MEbA Initiative won the Kipepeo award in the category “environmental impact” being selected from overall 55 nominations. The award was accepted by Marta Moneo, who leads the adaptation team, representing the group that designed and implemented the project. The MEbA initiative focused on exploring the potential of microlending to catalyse nature-based climate adaptation efforts for small-scale farmers.

We at YAPU Solutions want to extend our heartfelt congratulations to the whole MEbA team at UNEP for this award which is so well deserved! We can only echo the exceptional work, innovation and collaboration of the team which the award lauded.

It was a pleasure to work together on this highly-innovative project and we hope to be able to continue the MEbA journey in the future!

Find more information on the MEbA website:

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